Wednesday, September 24, 2014

People's Republic of China New Leader on Mission to Promote Self.

The President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping, is acquiring much popularity.  He has become the popular guy.  He has almost reached the type of popularity that  Mao Zedong had when he was chairman of PRC.  All this popularity is thanks to a secret committee that Mr. Xi has brought about to promote himself.  He is making an effort to build his reputation being that he is the paramount leader and because he intends to shadow his rough start as president of the republic.  He is making efforts to stop corruption and to do this he needs to reform policies that would allow him to monopolize power.  This will allow him to dismantle monopolies of the state that have too much power and give room to checks and balances. Is the People's Republic of China slowly headed towards the path of democracy?

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


The Long Haul
President’s words on the eve of 9/11 were words that proposed cautious action in the middle east, but will his plan be successfully executed?  For this to happen some of the chaos has to cease in order for America to act as a leader for a coalition against IS.
                Obama has been wrong about Iraq when “downplaying” the threat of IS, but time has turned his judgment around.  Now, time is what Obama need the chaos to subside.  It is, though, a double edged sword.  In one hand, time can rebuild Iraq and Syria as countries and give time to build an army to break down IS.  On the other hand, time can also break the loose coalition by resurgence of rivalries in the area and this will make the U.S. lose legitimacy.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

An Attempt at Uniting States With a Divided Congress

President Obama attempted to united the nation and congress in his speech on the eve of the 13th anniversary of 9/11 by "degrading and ultimately destroying" the ISIS with Airstrikes and International Coalitions.  Rep. McConnell and Sen. Reid seem to validate Obama's strategy, but with midterm elections two months away, a bipartisan union was unlikely to happen.  Sen. Reid is more than supportive with the president's strategy to avoid any actions that might have severe reprecussions, but was quick to criticize Rep. McConnell on taking advise from Former Vice President Cheyney.  McConnell responded to Reid by saying that he simply "urged to pivot" to a more military robust and forward leaning stance because Airstrikes and a few hundred troops are not enough to get the job done.  Reid's rhetoric might be an attempt to "obscure" the public from the complex debate despite lawmakers belief that airstrikes wont suffice.  Rep McConnell warns Obama not to "manage" the threat and pass it on to his "successor", but there has been no president from either party who has successfully eliminated such terrorist threats.  It might be that midterms are around the corner and the nation has a serious foreign issue on the table, but the real truth is that complete elimination of any terrorist group such as ISIS is improbable due to "factors out of U.S. control".  Anthony Cordesman from CISS painted a reality that President Obama is "preparing" the nation with the idea that such groups ISIS is a problem to be resolved not by his presidency alone but possibly a next as well.\

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

AFL-CIO President on Hillary and Obama Executive Action on Immigration

When taking a look at the article by David Cook from The Christian Science Monitor, I took into question whether the article was going to be worthwhile and present information I did not already know.
Upon clicking on the tab for politics in the USA, I stumbled upon this article titled, "AFL-CIO leader: Hillary needs a primary, Obama needs bold action".  A feeble amount of information was appealing to my interest being that I update myself on immigration news regularly and am well aware that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been people approved to run as Democratic candidate for  POTUS 2016.

Nonetheless, I assured myself that the article would spark a sense of satisfaction of knowing what has been picking up dust in the political arena these past few days.  Cook starts off by stating how saying how AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka "praises" Clinton and would endorse her come due time, but at the moment was not going to commit himself to such an early compromise, and just recognizes that she is a qualified candidate.

Trumka does this for two reasons. The first is that any selection of one particular candidate can be “dangerous” because it is too early to tell and that any presidential candidate needs to build a grassroots campaign base. Trumka wants to seek out potential candidates to see what kind of economic team the candidate would build for the organization.

As for Obama, Cook writes that Trumka noted the the president had two ways to use his executive powers. The first was to make a bold move on immigration would be affirmative action for workers to come out of the shadows, but that would make the right wing very unstable.  The mild move would be to do anything less and "energize the right but not the center or left.